You are the Gift
From reading the great by sister Eubank and after my experience in Spain I feel like i understand a little more what it means that i am the gift. I was sent to Spain as a missionary for a reason and i went back to work in the hospital and serve those people for a reason and from some of my favorite quotes i will explain how.
Most important is asking them questions, letting them talk, and then being willing to listen-- As a doctor in my time in Spain i understood that both from a physicians point of view and as a child of god it is necessary to listen and not just go off what you see. We would have patients that looked fine and their results came out fine but if we didn't listen to the problems they were having we couldn't help them fully.
Every single person can do this on his or her own. You don’t need a fund, but it is going to take some commitment. -- It doesn't take working in a hospital across the world, or so fancy position or even being a missionary, it really just takes the time and desire to want to help others who need more help.
The Lord wants to use you. There is a work for you to do, and it is specific to you and your abilities. Nobody will be the ambassador that you will be. But you need to be clean to do it. Jesus can lift you out of the mire and set you on your way. Repent, and He will forgive.-- I can be the most powerful tool for the Lord and he has so many ways to use his tool, but any tool that isn't fully working can do a good work on any project. A dull knife can try to do its job but wont fulfill its purpose the way its intended to be. The lord needs me to be worthy to have his spirit to be lead to and know how to help his children. I may not always make the best decisions but as i try my best to live the commandments i can be a Gift to others and tool in the lords hands.
You are the gift. You yourself are the gift. It is not the clothing, the hygiene kits, the school desks, or the wells. It is you.-- As i worked in the hospital it wasn't the fancy tools or the knowledge we supposedly have as doctors that helps the people, it is our desire to help them. If one is in medicine for the money they don't understand you can make a lot more and a lot quicker money other ways, one is in medicine because they want to be the gift for other, to help in ways machines and medicine and technology can't. Sometimes it's just assuring a patient or their family, sometimes it's being there when the hard news comes.

Every single person can do this on his or her own. You don’t need a fund, but it is going to take some commitment. -- It doesn't take working in a hospital across the world, or so fancy position or even being a missionary, it really just takes the time and desire to want to help others who need more help.
The Lord wants to use you. There is a work for you to do, and it is specific to you and your abilities. Nobody will be the ambassador that you will be. But you need to be clean to do it. Jesus can lift you out of the mire and set you on your way. Repent, and He will forgive.-- I can be the most powerful tool for the Lord and he has so many ways to use his tool, but any tool that isn't fully working can do a good work on any project. A dull knife can try to do its job but wont fulfill its purpose the way its intended to be. The lord needs me to be worthy to have his spirit to be lead to and know how to help his children. I may not always make the best decisions but as i try my best to live the commandments i can be a Gift to others and tool in the lords hands.
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