You are the Gift

From reading the great by sister Eubank and after my experience in Spain I feel like i understand a little more what it means that i am the gift. I was sent to Spain as a missionary for a reason and i went back to work in the hospital and serve those people for a reason and from some of my favorite quotes i will explain how. You are the gift. You yourself are the gift. It is not the clothing, the hygiene kits, the school desks, or the wells. It is you.-- As i worked in the hospital it wasn't the fancy tools or the knowledge we supposedly have as doctors that helps the people, it is our desire to help them. If one is in medicine for the money they don't understand you can make a lot more and a lot quicker money other ways, one is in medicine because they want to be the gift for other, to help in ways machines and medicine and technology can't. Sometimes it's just assuring a patient or their family, sometimes it's being there when the hard news comes. Most imp...